Portfolio view opens a national consumer brand’s umbrella

Case study for a leading consumer brand

About the client

A leading consumer brand with multiple brands or products to promote.
profit identified using portfolio-level insights
point improvement over the status quo
In this case study

The Challenge

The brand needed to consolidate its marketing efforts and optimize its nearly $30M marketing budget across all product lines.

The Solution

Keen created a unified view of the brand’s portfolio, evaluating the financial contribution across channels for all seven products.

The Result

By unifying fragmented marketing investments into a consolidated brand strategy, Keen’s portfolio-level insights were able to identify $24M in profit for the consumer brand. This data-driven, optimized plan resulted in a payback time of less than 1.5 days net the investment in Keen.

Related resources

Keen's "2024 Performance Insights & Strategic Investment Guide," open to Chapter Seven, "Media Channel Performance," discusses where marketers should reallocate their budgets for improved ROI.
Featured resource

The Keen Marketing Insights Report

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