The Keen Advantage Over Traditional MMM Providers


The traditional method of marketing mix modeling (MMM) relies heavily on assumptions and guesswork, resulting in limited insights into the effectiveness of past campaigns. At most, directional decisions can be made based on historical performance. 

Enabled by the dexterity, flexibility, and speed of machine learning, the Keen Platform functions from a data-first approach which allows brands to quickly adapt, evolve, and adjust to a constantly changing environment while providing detailed guidance that delivers ROI and lift opportunities.

Here are some things you can expect from the Keen Platform:

  • Drives significant financial improvements
  • Delivers real-time, comprehensive ROI
  • Estimates marketing’s long-term impact
  • Connects marketing directly with financial performance


Related resources

Multiple charts from the keen platform layered on top of each other
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The 2024 Marketing Mix Resource Hub

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