Surviving & thriving in a recession

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Elevating the value of marketing to leaders

Defending your value and your budget is never fun and often demoralizing. Use these resources to prove the value of your marketing efforts and the need for an increased budget to help brand growth during a recession. Save time researching solutions by utilizing the latest insights and resources from marketing leaders worldwide.

Get your personalized recession marketing toolkit!

The clock is ticking… Spend your time applying the best practices in recession marketing rather than scouring the internet for them.

Marketing through a recession

Are we in a recession or are we not? The issue still stands that marketers have to navigate the demands of leaders, budget cuts, and a concerned consumer base.

Save time on researching solutions by utilizing these latest resources from marketing leaders across the world.

Tales from the dark

Learn the results of & alternatives to cutting marketing spend, or “going dark”, during difficult economic times.

Where to cut & modify your marketing spend

Leadership wants to cut parts of your budget – now what? Follow the guidance of these resources to put together a plan that doesn’t hurt your brand or risk your job.

Save time researching solutions by utilizing the latest insights and resources from marketing leaders worldwide.

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